Journal #2: Of Angels, Demons, Mexican Gangsters & the Most Dangerous Game

Ah, there is a plague in the wind, and the Patriarch has been feeling quite under the weather lately. But no fear, updates will continue as usual, in the next day or two to be precise.

To tide you over with a preview of the upcoming update, we have a preview of the next page of Tales of the Vanished 1949 and also another work-in-progress of the Carne Asada story which is soon coming to a close. As this one ends, more stories will reveal itself along with the possible resurrection of the Aurael & Mandora storyline. The last we left that tale, the angel Aurael had been defeated by the demoness Mandora and the tale was left on a cliffhanger before the "juicy" bits were about to be revealed. 

On other news, Pulptoon's forum which was once down is now up and working. You can sometimes find me lurking in the "Pulp Art", "Girls, Manips & More" and the "Dark Side". I wish I could be more active but alas, duty calls, which is the artworks that I provide here in Forbidden Feast.

Another interesting discovery is the movie, "The Farm" which you can find the trailer here. American horror films compared to European productions have a tendency to spare the ladies, up the gore, hide the nudity, and by all accounts, this film seem to fall into the same limitations. But what peaked my interest is the short split second view of a pair of tasty piggies, a feast of which the Circle would approve. Let's hope the filmmakers prove to be bold and brave enough to depict the Flesh of Eve in a most delectable light.

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