Journal #10: On Gene Wolfe & Other Mainstream Stories

To continue the trend of reviving the Repository of Gynophagia Literature section of the site, I have added two more entries to the Mainstream Literature section, one of which involves one of my favorite books on the matter, the Book of the New Sun series by Gene Wolfe particularly a scene which is depicted in Book 2, the Claw of the Conciliator.

I've also taken too long in highlighting another wonderful story I've read a while back called Vicki Beautiful by Somer Canon, a highly recommended read and a story that might surprise you.

Another issue I'm considering is illustrating scenes from movies, TV or video games, ones that I feel particularly inspired by... the same way I illustrated scenes inspired by Conan the Barbarian such as this one I did a while back. 

This idea came to me after watching a Korean film, Burning. I am particularly struck by one of the characters, Haemi that it inspired me to do a drawing depicted here. The fewer details I divulge about this movie which I highly recommend, the better, but safe to say... there is something about the characters, what is suggested, and what might have happened which has lingered with me for me to want to do this drawing. 

And this led me to another path of wanting to draw scenes from pop-culture moments that left me drooling or wanting... such as scenes from the books I've read (like the aforementioned Claw of the Conciliator) or movies that either show too much or not enough. Just like my recent habits of illustrating my own short stories, in some way it's also my attempt to compensate for the deficiencies whether it be visually in regard to written literature, or frustrations with movies that I've seen that it makes me want to draw these scenes how I would like to imagine it in a more deliciously sensual fashion.

In the meantime, the next update should come fairly soon within the next couple of days and it would return to stories from the Tales of the Vanished series and one more image to supplement the Ballad of Ned & Roger short story.

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