288: Humanitarians

For more details on membership tiers, ways to support the site and how to purchase comics/collections, click here. The story, all names, characters, and incidents portrayed in this production are fictitious. No identification with actual persons (living or deceased), places, buildings, and products is intended or should be inferred. 


Dear Patrons,

Summer heat is here. Bodies glisten in sweat. Well, at the Northern Hemisphere anyway (sorry Australia!)

However, the feasts go on. On another news, I want to display my appreciation of a select few of my higher tiered patrons who had sponsored a couple of new story projects. I am also appreciative of their flexibility on the stories too to push the projects beyond mere commissions but actual stories of which many I can insert into the Forbidden Feast macrocosm that I have built.

I do not want to prematurely announce anything before I have really appreciate your tips. From experience, usually, a promise loudly declared will go unfulfilled. Also, as these past few updates show, I am also working on the past stories I've started a while back as I do feel that itch to complete works. It's been a while since I've posted a new comic at the SHOP and I feel like that moment is long past due. So, rest assured those are in the works.

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This link is viewable to ACOLYTE, DISCIPLE members or higher & valid for a month as of 11 May 2024. If the link has expired, message me and I'll create a new link.



I. FOOD AID (2 full color artwork, 1 FREE for the PUBLIC and 1 full colored artwork for DISCIPLE members or higher)

Sketches from an idea I had for a comic for the character "THE DICTATOR" I started a while back and it's time to dust off some more panels to this story. What happens when well-meaning volunteers fly into war-torn countries with their wide-eyed optimism thinking they'll be able to feed the world? In one way, they are right. They will feed mouths, but not in the way they think.


II. WORKS IN PROGRESS  (2 shaded/lightly colored work in progress for DISCIPLE members or higher)

The first is a scene from the story, AMERICAN NIGHTMARE: DINNER IN A DEAD MALL.

The second is another blast from the past, an out-take panel from a previous commission regarding some "anime'ish" cartoon characters. Avid Forbidden Feast fans may remember this one.

III. SKETCHES (2 black & white sketches + 1 variation of a similar scene for DISCIPLE members or higher)

The first is of flesh slowly stripped, while the second and third are of garments slowly stripped.


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