287: She Ain’t Half the Woman She Used to Be

For more details on membership tiers, ways to support the site and how to purchase comics/collections, click here. The story, all names, characters, and incidents portrayed in this production are fictitious. No identification with actual persons (living or deceased), places, buildings, and products is intended or should be inferred. 


Dear Patrons,

So, the votes are in. I'll be moving to a mailing list approach hopefully next month or at the latest the month after next while I sort out this system and allow more of a grace period for this news to reach all of my patrons. The updates with the artworks will be mailed to you (please make sure you check your spam or allow your email server to receive my posts). I will posts mostly text and innocent art based posts on the site as usual so guests may be able to track news and updates on posts.  But otherwise, the site may also be cleaned up. I may keep the ACOLYTE tier content up for new visitors, or I may be too lazy to delete the older posts from the artworks (since they've gotten me in trouble with 3rd party social media platforms) if the need doesn't arise. I haven't decided yet. But don't be surprised if you see artworks removed here. I may even clean up my thumbnails on this site and rely on social media forums such as Pulptoon, Pixiv, Reddit etc. for examples of some of my uncensored works to be shared, but please, if you really do respect my work, I'm fine with a little here and there, but please do not share my entire archive. This only serves to discourage me from doing future works and serving you all. 

Mainly, it'll be through your registered emails through this mailing list that I send to my ACTIVE patrons at the DISCIPLE level or higher, so please make sure that the emails you use aren't compromised (think family, college or work email addresses). I will allow this grace period for you all to make changes which you an do in your account dashboard at forbiddenfeast.com. Additionally, to avoid any spam that may come, watch this space for news and do not click on any links that will lead to any domain outside of forbiddenfeast.com. If you aren't sure or if you have any other queries, you may use the contact form or always email me at ("thisdomainname" at gmail dot com)

I will be able to email my P*tr**n members, however, Subscribestar and Hiccears members need to use their email addresses or message me there. The DISCIPLE member tier will therefore soon be obsolete, however, those who have their personal accounts set up via crypto or the aforementioned platforms will automatically be in the mailing list. I will do my best to send out messages whenever I see them.

I will leave the INDEX and PROJECTS page up (although I probably would need to start updating them soon) etc up as it illuminates the stories I want to tell and its background.

And with that, thanks for bearing with me regarding this long announcement. Now on to what you're here for, the artwork! Today the thee is all about our better "halves". Bon appétit with a nudge and a wink!

Click on the link below to join Forbiddenfeast's Discord Community to keep up to date with exclusive news and updates:
This link is viewable to ACOLYTE, DISCIPLE members or higher & valid for a month as of 11 May 2024. If the link has expired, message me and I'll create a new link.



I. LADY ON A TRAIN: A "HALF TAILLEUR" CUT'S TALE (1 full color artwork FREE for the PUBLIC and 1 full colored artwork for DISCIPLE members or higher)

I wonder how many of you remember a piece I did a long time ago for Pulptoon. Some drawings regarding a certain lady spy being eyed on a train who later succumbed to the villains who had her served half of her whole. It was done in black and white and part of me had me revisiting some of the drawings of old and touching them up (like the one you see below)

Speaking of Half Tailleur Cuts, here's a completed colored piece I'd inked, and finally deserves a full treatment. I haven't decided on a story to insert this one in yet, (there are a few), though LADY ON A TRAIN would be one of them.

II. HALF TAILLEUR CUTS HALF DONE  (1 black & white inked drawing & 1 shaded/lightly colored work in progress for DISCIPLE members or higher)

And here are a few more example of the Tailleur Cuts in various degrees of completion.

III. SKETCHES (2 black & white sketches for DISCIPLE members or higher)

The first is of the slender harvest and a little bit of eating. The second is of a maillot cut brought out to be served.


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