Guide to Fine Dining 01 – Egypt

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by Chewy

The air was murky with wood smoke and the pungent smell of unwashed bodies. The Egyptian evening was timeless bedlam, the tightly packed masses of people crushed between shrouded market stalls and the ancient crumbling walls of the old city. History lay heavy on Cairo, its crowded mazes hoary with age and centuries of forgotten sin. One could imagine the slaves of the Pharaoh swarming on this very same spot, their lives as fleeting as a breath of cool air in the desert heat.

Lord Ffily Ffilet and his bosom companion, Jacques Roti de Femme, scanned the timeworn alleys with eager anticipation. The two were world famous gourmets, unrivaled in their appreciation of fine food and drink. In the incestuous world of haughte cuisine, their word was law, and renowned chefs tremhemorrhage like spring lambs in their presence. One good word from them would make a career, while a single slight would damm a promising talent to a lifetime as a short order cook at a truck stop. Wealthy beyond counting, they traveled the globe, immersing themselves in the fertile delights each country had to offer, from the Gomorrah-like hills of California to the sweltering barrios of Bogota. They had come here to the dark heart of the ancient world to again indulge their greatest passion, the forbidden fruit of human flesh, the one last taboo in an otherwise lawless world. Tonight, they sought out a dish that was exotic even by the extreme standards of high-class cannibalism.

They had first heard of it years ago from an emaciated madman in a fetid Arabian souk. The meal he had described shocked even their jaded appetites. Intrigued, they pried and questioned for years seeking confirmation of the awful rumor. They had been met with looks of horror and revulsion everywhere, until this year, one of their fellow gourmands had revealed that such meals were still prepared in the land of the Nile, where such depravities had been practiced since the time of Moses. He extended an invitation to these two peerless epicures to sup with him at a feast that pre-dated the Pharaohs.

They were met at the airport by a small retinue of silent servants. Their luggage was whisked off of their private jet with practiced efficiency and both worldly gourmets were soon at ease in the back of a dark limo watching the bustling chaos of modern Cairo pass by. The servants were small, dark men, with furtive hooded eyes that took in every detail. Though they met every demand instantly, they did act like the fawning toadies both gourmets were accustomed to. They gave off an air of timeless indifference, as if the most urgent needs were but small and passing distractions. Like their land, they bent to the demands of the outside world, yet remained unchanged and aloof.

"Not the usual talkative toadies,' Lord Ffilet sniffed as he watched one of the taciturn men pour him a glass of strong fruity wine. He took the glass, sniffed it with understated disdain, then sampled the dark liquid. To his mild surprise, its pleasant full body and rich undertone impressed him. "Acceptable', he sniffed again, unwilling to offer any other compliment lest it encourage the natives to an unseemly arrogance.

"Oui, they do seem to be a bit on the silent side,' Roti laughed pleasantly as he nibhemorrhage on a wafer of local course bread. "I do admit I find it refreshing. The usual fawning babble of servants does distract one from appreciating the finer things in life. It's gotten so you all but have to cutta out their tongues to keep underlings from sucking up to you every second."

"Yes indeed my dearest Roti' Ffilet agreed, ' servants should serve, and no more. Constant reminders of their existence can be a deadly bore. I do say our friend Sheik Akmed has these devils well trained"

"Indeed my rarest Ffilet' Roti murmured around a mouthful of bread. "That is to be expected. His reputation for utter refinement is without peer, save for ours, of course. His family has lived in Egypt for time out of mind. The dear chap claims his family were stewards to the court of Ramses the first. His ancestors scoured the land for the table of Nefertiri, feeding her the finest maidens of the land. It was said that her diet of human flesh was the secret of her ageless beauty. Why the devil even boasted that his forefathers held feasts that shocked the toga off of the great Caligula himself"

"Those were the days', Ffilet agreed, 'Refined gentleman such as ourselves were appreciated in those glorious times. Nowadays, true refinement is considered a crime by the tasteless rabble that rules our world. Why even connesuiers such as we must hide our true selves and enjoy the finest delights only in private. I dream of the day that we will teach the common mob a lesson in good manners and dine openly like the great emperors of old.'

"Ce La Vie my noble Ffilet. Nevertheless mon ami, we are quite lucky.' Roti chuckled as he patted his expansive belly. 'Despite everything, we have been eating well these days, eh?"

Lord Ffilet answered with a laugh of his own, instantly uplifted by the thoughts of their more recent gastronomic feats. "Yes indeed, the young ladies are making us plump as suckling pigs. Rather sporting of them, I do say' he grinned, rubbing his own waist in delicious memory. 'I do hope tonight's festivities match last nights snack in Greece. I do so love those olive-skinned femmes. They are so beautiful I could just eat them up by the dozen."

"And so you do my ravenous Ffilet', Roti retorted. "If I remember right you helped yourself to both of that young ladies cheeks last night without even waiting for them to cook first. The poor fille was gone in less time than it takes to cook a custard. 'Thank goodness she had a sister"

"I seem to recall the sister was a real scream herself,' Ffilet mildly reproached his dear companion. ' The last time I saw her she was as armless as Athena's statue but a good deal livelier as you chased her around the kitchen with that cleaver. Showing a bit of the beast, perhaps? I was amazed she lasted to serve breakfast. By Jove though, she made the damm best sausages I've had in while."

Both gourmands happy reminisces were interrupted as the limo drove into a large walled compound set several miles in the surrounding desert. The interior was delight to the eye, filled with brilliant greenery and cheerful bubbling fountains. Graceful sculptures stood amongst manicured walkways of intricately carved semi-precious stones. Lovely and captivatingly shy female servants appeared bearing trays of sweetmeats and cool sherbert. Musicians played amongst the swaying palms, the soft music being like balm to the senses. Beyond the garden stood a huge mansion, its tanned sandstone matching the bleak desert vista that lay beyond these walls. The building was modern and very well maintained, but at the same time seemed old, as if it had stood here in some incarnation for ages. The columns in front of the mansion were huge cylinders of tawny granite, their surfaces intricately carved with hieroglyphs and images of forgotten gods. Both travelers wondered just how long this place had been here, changing slowly over the centuries, yet retaining it's ancient soul.

"Greetings my dear Roti and Ffilet!!' an enormous voice boomed out from the doorway of the mansion. A hugely fat man strode out into the tranquil garden, his robes gaudy in the gentle sunlight. He was Egyptian, with a long hooked nose, piercing black eyes and dark amber skin. He was cleanly shaven and bald, like some ancient Pharoanic priest returned to life. Despite his vast girth he moved with ponderous grace, exuding an aura of barely restrained passion and strength.

"Bonjour to you Sheik Akmed!' Roti shouted back, 'I see your little hideaway is beautiful as promised.'

Sheik Akmed laughed as he walked up to his two esteemed guests "It is an honor to have such eminent guests in my humble abode! At last, I shall dine with friends who appreciate what real haughte cuisine is! Come quickly my friends, dinner is being prepared'

With that, he gave them the ritual kiss of greeting, then enfolded his stout arms around their shoulders, escorting them into his home with carefree bonhomie. His excitement was contagious, and within moments both Roti and Lord Ffilet could think of nothing but tonight's meal.

The inside of the mansion was as remarkable as it's exterior. It was filled with furnishings and pieces that would make a museum director drool. The carpets alone could buy a roomy palace in Europe. Original paintings by some of the great masters hung on the walls alongside world-class sculptures. A small army of servants hovered about, ready to cater to every whim. As a test, Roti casually dropped the glass of wine he was sipping. Before it hit the floor a servant dove and caught it, then held it up Roti de Femme without spilling a drop. Roti gave the merest hint of a smile at the display of menial perfection, then strode imperiously into the dining hall.

Both Roti and Ffilet had known sheik Akmed for years, and together they had lorded over the most exclusive eateries of Europe. The sheik's zest for life was legendary, and it was not unusual for him to gorge himself for hours on fine food and lakes of wine, then retire to bed with a gaggle of drunken waitresses for the night. He had been a bit mysterious about his past, though both Ffilet and Roti instantly recognized a kindred spirit. Like them, he was fabulously wealthy, and indulged in every diversion and debauchery imaginable. It came as no surprise when they learned he too shared their secret passion for fresh gammon de femme.

The dining hall would have given the Czars pangs of envy. Leaded glass and polished teak were everywhere, each ornament a paragon of taste and refinement. A magnificent chandelier hung over a sea of satin cushions like a galaxy of stars. The divans were set on a dais overlooking a large marble floor. The three noble epicureans seated themselves amongst the soft cushions, while golden trays of sweetmeats and cool decanters of wine were set before them. Lively and subtly sensual music wafted through the halls. They spent a fell pleasant minutes arranging themselves, then Akmed clapped his hands in command.

As if by magic the dance floor was instantly aswirl with gyrating female flesh. A dozen Arabian girls had raced from an alcove, their bodies swathed in dazzled veils and gaudy scarves of rarest silk. Their strong healthy limbs were bare, displaying a mouth-watering vista of soft feminine skin and supple muscle. Dark eyes flashed in veiled excitement as they fell into their ancient dance of seduction that was old in the days of Abraham.

Both Lord Ffilet and Roti de Femme were astonished at the variety of flesh. The girls ranged from pale skinned circasians come from the wild mountains of the Caucasus to dusky hued maidens whose tawny skins spoke of the suns of Africa. Egypt was one of the crossroads of the world, and every race and nation that plied the middle seas had left their seed its blood. What set these girls apart was an indefinable air of mystery and eastern submission. Gone was the brittle air of defensiveness and petulance that western women wore like thorny armor. In this land women were chattel, content in their timeless role to serve men and their often cruel whims.

Delightfully, the Middle East had been largely spared the obscene western fetish for scrawny women with the 'just released from the prison camp' look. These women were fleshy in a healthy, attractive fashion, their bodies delightfully curved and inviting. Unlike their emaciated western sisters, these women were unafraid of a few ounces of excess flesh that rounded out their forms and gave them a soft feminine charm.

It was just that look that Roti and Ffilet found they now craved. "Sacre Dieu' Roti muttered, 'it is a nice to see some flesh again my dear friends. I had a nightmare that we were the stranded forever in a world of walking skeletons.'

'How true my dear Roti.' Lord Ffilet replied as he carefully evaluated each voluptuous dancing girl. "My teeth still ache from biting into nothing but bone and gristle. That French femme we ate in Paris couldn't have weighed ninety pounds, even after you shaved her armpits.'

'Aha my dear Ffilet,' Roti answered, somewhat peeved at the perceived insult to French maidenhood. "Perhaps she was just as inedible as that English stewardess we had over for dinner last month? I seem to recall actually chipping a tooth when I bit into her not so ample rump. You were not able to make even a decent cup of broth with her, and I couldn't even find her tits."

"You westerners are destroying the very concept of refined eating' Akmed laughed, 'it is bad enough that you poison the world with fast food and, I shudder to even say it, microwavable dinners, but now you make even as lovely a creature as a woman as inedible as week off baguettes. When I was in Europe I thought I would never taste a juicy rump again. All those wenches, and so little meat between them! Thank the gods that in Egypt we still appreciate a women with good flesh on her bones.

"Well said,' Ffilet admitted with the natural truthfulness of an English gentleman. "the very future of fine dining is in danger with all of this 'skinny is good' rot. Give me a nice plump bar maid or strapping farm girl any day. Staring intently at the sea of wiggling buttocks and soft jiggling breasts before him he added 'Thank goodness the rest of the world still know how to raise a nice juicy girl."

"I am delighted to see you are fond of what our country has to offer' their host purred, his hawkish eyes gazing at them in jovial confidence. 'These girls are raised by my family in a somewhat discrete location in Sudan. There, slavery has never died despite the deluded efforts of you arrogant whites. The people there do not even bat an eyelash at such practices and these fine girls know no other life. We buy them in sonhood from their families and when they are old enough, they are brought here to serve. Some families have been providing us with unwanted daughters for generations. Sadly, we can provide only a few score or so slave girls a year, but I have plans to expand our operations. Of course we supplement our inventory with young ladies taken from other countries. Watching some arrogant blonde or redhead being trained for meat slavery under the equatorial sun is edifying to watch. They also fetch quite a good price on the market. It seems, there is quite a market for female livestock," he said with an evil grin.

'No doubt' Roti said as he gave a lecherous smile and pinched one of the dancers on her dimpled rump when she passed close by, 'any true connoisseur knows'a nothing can compare with mea'ta de Femme on'a the hoof.'

Conversation died as the trio of depraved gourmets enjoyed the show. The epicures sat musing over how each woman would taste, studying the way her body moved and swayed, daydreaming over how every small piece of her would feel between their teeth, sliding down into their bellies. Lithe shoulders were magically transformed into dishes of pork medallions in sweet cream sauce, bare stomachs into lean strips of braised steak marinated in light ginger sauce, thighs into heavenly boned roasts and tender shredded pork paste served with potato skins and parsley. The girls seemed to be able to read the minds of the three gourmets, and it was a delight to watch their skin delicately blush and flesh shudder when they caught one of them staring intently at one of their tapered limbs or velvety bosoms. It was deeply erotic to watch so much bare female flesh being flaunted, everyone knowing that soon one of them would be forced to serve her flesh to them in a far more intimate manner.

The girls were certainly mouth-watering. Each one was a cannibal's dream, from the panting dusky negresses whose skins shone with sweat as they gyrated before them to the coppery Arabian mares whose dark flashing eyes and sleek limbs promised a feast for both body and soul. They danced in groups and alone, performing in ways that were both taunting and incredibly sensual. This was far more erotic than the nude dancing done in clubs and strip joints in the outside world. That was mere animal rut, naked bitches performing for money and nothing more.

This ritual was as far above that as the sun above the clouds. Even the clinging clothing was passionately erotic, as if the half-naked female body offered more to titillate than one which was simply bare. Maybe it was the lure of hidden delights, tantalizingly glimpsed, then shyly hidden once more. The temptation, then brief, yielding denial heightened the anticipation far more than the simple whoring common elsewhere. The clothes were slowly shed, one silk scarf or filmy veil at a time, slowly, invitingly offering more warm flesh for their pleasure. It was like looking at sultry lover undress one slow inch at a time, the sure promise of delight as appealing as the actual consummation.

One girl stood out from the others as a goddess amongst angels. Her skin was a creamy white, like polished ivory brought to life. Her hair was jet black and riotously curled, falling back to her full buttocks in an onyx waterfall. Her face was tantalizingly Semitic, with proud sculpted cheekbones, high forehead and thick eyebrows that drew ones gaze into her coal black eyes. Her lips were full and prone to curling at the edges as if in a teasing smile, daring one to brush their blushed surface. Her body was strong and lithe as a gazelle. She was proud too; the way she held her body erect and looked back at her masters bordered just this side of actual defiance. Her full bosom heaved with exertion as she ended her dance, her skin hot and slick with sweat. She stared up at the trio, as if daring them to take her.

The three culinary masters looked back at her with a mixture of admiration of amusement. Lord Ffilet decided it would be boorish to betray any respect for someone who was after all merely a very pretty collection walking pork chops. He leaned back a yawned mightily, dismissing the lass. "I say, I am beastily hungry my good sheik. When did you say dinner was to be served?"

"My humble apologies' the sheik laughed, 'but you must show some of that legendary English patience. Dinner won't be ready to eat for some time. Remember my fine companions, in this dish, the preparation is everything."

"Mon ami' Roti sighed rubbing his belly, 'I am so'a' hungry I could take a bite out each of these ladies right now, then kiss their tears away with gentle amour!"

The sheik laughed heartily at the thought of an amorous but rabid Frenchman having his way with his harem, torn between hunger and passion. "No doubt the ladies would be consumed with the heat of your passion mon ami. Perhaps after dinner you can demonstrate your famous Gallic charm with the survivors. It will make for an interesting desert. But now, it is time to send one of these delicate flowers on her way to the oven."

With a wicked grin, he nodded to one of his silent flunkies. The man bowed and opened a side door that had previously been hidden behind a tapestry. Both Roti and Ffilet noticed the man backed away from the portal rather horridly, for once forgetting his tight-assed subservience in his haste to get away.

The girls had become rigid as statues when the door was opened. Only their eyes betrayed sudden fear, and they stared at the opening with hopeless dread. Several looked around as if to run, but the sight of the silent guards froze them in place. Whatever they terror they knew was about to emerge into the room was nothing compared to the fate they knew awaited anyone who displeased their master.

A faint hiss was heard, it's soft sound magnified by the hard marble walls. The girls blanched at the sound, their lips trembling in terror. Finally, a dreadful shape took form in the portal. Two golden orbs shone with cold malevolence at the quaking mammals before them. A movement, and a huge serpentine head emerged, sliding forward with sinuous grace. A body out of a primeval nightmare followed, foot after foot of powerful reptile, its hideously supple body a foot across. The head alone was as large as some of the female torsos that shook with fear in front of it. The terrible serpent halted, then rose up in one long golden wave, rearing above its prey like some eldritch god demanding worship. The mouth gaped open, revealing jaws lined with the graceful arcs of needle-like teeth. The pink tongue licked forward, tasting the air, drinking in the damp stew of sweat and fear from the gathered women. Ffilet wondered if it could detect the distinct smell of urine that glistened on a few of the smooth trembling legs.

With sensual grace, the serpent slipped forward yet again, till it was within feet of the nearest prey. The horrified females scattered into a circle, their soft flesh clammy with dread and revulsion. They stared at the serpent with terrified fascination, praying to whatever gods they worshipped that they would be spared, if only for another night.

The serpent's head bobbed this way and that, sniffing the air by each moaning slave girl. Ffilet could have sworn the beast was actually enjoying itself, savoring the mortal terror it inspired. The tongue swept forward, caressing the shoulder of one of the black girls. The Nubian whimpered loudly in fright, her eyes like white saucers set in her head. The dark flesh of her inner thighs was soaked with urine as stared up into the gaping mouth and her bladder failed with a wet rush. Her flesh shrank back from the serpent's gentle caress, and she collapsed into a ball in front of it, hiding her face in her arms.

The great reptile hesitated, stared down at the dark gleaming back beneath it, then moved on to another. This one was an amber skinned Egyptian girl. She too stared in rapt horror as the tongue washed across her breasts, then traced a line down her belly to the damp forest at the joining of her legs. Her teeth chattered in fright as the forked tip licked up a few drops of musky sweat from her loins. She stared up at the awful face, its cold serenity mocking her frenzied fear.

Again, the snake pondered easy meat, poised as if to strike. Then it turned away, leaving the Egyptian sow gasping with relief.

The serpent froze. Its eyes were locked on the one girl who dared to stand straight, refusing to be cowed into animal submission. What drew it's attention could not be named. Perhaps it was the hot defiance in her ebon eyes, perhaps it was no more than she was the tallest and meatiest of the offered prey, but the reptile stayed motionless for a slow eternity, it's hard golden pupils locked with her soft black eyes. Neither would allow themselves to yield, two proud souls, one predator, the other prey locked together in primal communion. Then with deliberation, as if she were Eve acknowledging her surrender to sin, the slave girl lowered her eyes in wordless offering.

The predator glided forward, and slid its cool coils around the warm flesh of it's chosen one. To her credit, the girl did not scream or cry out as the hard scales grazed over her tender skin. Her legs and torso were soon wrapped in a living vice, the pressure mounting on her bones as the snake gloated over it's meal. The long tongue slicked back and forth through her curled hair, burying itself n her mane. The tongue began to travel down her body, tracing the line of one graceful shoulder, then arcing over her torso till it met the soft pillows of her breasts. The gourmets could see the nipples harden as the scaly rasp slid over them, arousing the flesh as it tasted it. The girl's hand rose to meet the tongue, the fingers trembling slightly in either fear or depraved excitement. The hand pressed the sensitive probe hard against her silky bosom, letting it feel their warm promise. Then she guided the tongue down her belly, sliding it against the tightly muscled stomach. It lingered a bit at her navel, pressing inwards, testing this small orifice to see if it led to the meaty treasures it could sense awaiting it just beneath her quivering derma. The girl gave a tiny flicker of a smile as she guided the foolish shaft downwards to the lush tangle of hair that hid her real treasure. The tongue began to tremble itself as it tasted the sweet stew of hormones and musk and coated the fine hair. Then, growing bold, it slipped through the dark garden to meet the fleshy lips hidden beneath. The girl gasped as the rasp rubbed against her labia, drinking in the oils that gently seeped from the ruby flesh.

Her legs stretched and flexed as she spread them against the iron coils that held them. The tongue slid into the opened slit, releasing a flood of moisture laced with animal need. The feminine gasps grew more rapid as the tongue began to explore the soaked vagina. At last, it stroked the tiny hard knobs of her womanhood. At the first caress, she exploded into sobs of pleasure. Her body bucked and thrashed against the hard body of her lover. The coils flexed in sympathy, squeezing her lithe body. Roti gasped as he heard the tinkling of her ribs yielding under the insistent pressure. The slow crushing should have yielded awful pain, yet the girl seemed oblivious to it, too far gone in ecstasy to have room for any other sensation. The girl's face was streaked with sweat and spent passion and her eyes rose up to meet the face of her new master.

The serpent drew back it's quim laden tongue, then rose up over the girl's head. She looked up, and with an almost shy smile she raised her arms and clasped her hands above her head, presenting her body to the cold eating machine. She grunted in discomfort as her crushed ribs grated against one another, and a tiny drop of blood formed at the tip of her nose as her lungs began to drown. The squeezing continued as her hips gave way with a muffled pop. She panted as pleasure and agony merged into one indistinguishable flood that drove away all conscious thought.

The reptilian mouth gaped wide, the slender needles wet with saliva as the head descended over her clasped hands and wrists. Tiny drops of saliva dropped onto her upturned face like drops of dew as the mouth slid down her forearms, the hot palate warming her skin as it passed. She could feel it's musty breath on her face, and she smiled as she drew her last breaths. For her, her subservience was over, she was going to her death as a willing lover, her soul at last free.

The mouth closed slightly as it passed her elbows, squeezing the slender limbs. One gleaming needle had pierced her flesh, leaving a trail of ruby blood and saliva to run down her arm and trickle about her throat like a ruby necklace. The girl gasped as her skin slit open like a flower petal's. The pain was almost pleasant, a tiny burning that reminded her of the cruel life she was leaving behind.

Soon, her upper arms were engulfed and she felt the scaly lips begin to enfold her hair. She closed her eyes and breathed one last time, filling her lungs with her lover's scent. The mouth slide over her hair, matting the shiny ringlets. She smiled as her face was washed with the serpents hot drool, then felt it's mouth close over her head. The last thing the assemhemorrhage crowd saw was her mouth open in a smile of utter joy, then her features vanished forever.

Slowly, with intimate care of a gentle seduction, the girl's body slipped into the hungry maw. The jaws widened to take in her shoulders, then slide down her torso. Her cracked rib cage shifted under her skin, allowing her body to move in ways that no dancer could ever match. The breasts swelled with pressure as the lips closed over them, the nipples still hard as rocks as they disappeared. The teeth made tiny razor slices in her skin as they passed over her body, sending rivulets of blood down her stomach and back, lubricating her skin with salty fluid.

Soon, the magnificent belly felt the caress of cold lips. The girl began to twitch slightly as she asphyxiated in the snake's throat. Graceful tremors ran down her midriff and legs, her meat relaxing as it yielded its life.

There was a moment of hesitation as the mouth flowed over the top of her hips. Her pubic hair rustled slightly as the scales brushed over them. The tongue licked forward again, coiling over her mound and into her vagina, tugging her body upwards into it's mouth. Everyone could see the gleaming moisture on her inner thighs as her vagina continued to cum even after death.

The serpent raised its head, lifting the girl up into the air. Her legs dangled, her hips splayed open like the greeting of some obscene whore. The snake faced the gourmets, giving them a lascivious view of the open vagina as it receded into the shadowed maw. The legs still twitched as they too slid home, the girl giving one last dance for the pleasure of her killers. The graceful arch of her calves vanished, and then the tender dimpled feet were drawn inside. The gourmets were treated to one last look of her toes hanging ridiculously at the edge of the throat, then there was a gulp and she was gone.

"Magnifique' Roti breathed, unwilling to break the spell. He squirmed slightly, then checked his pants for any unsightly stains. Relieved, he sat back, his eyes locked on the shapely bulge traveling down the length of the snake's body.

"I do say that was quite dashing', Ffilet muttered with his usual British understatement. 'Quite a cricket match.' His usual English reserve had kept him from doing anything embarrassing while watching, but his ruddy cheeks were flushed and he wiped away some beads of perspiration from his forehead with a silken handkerchief.

"And that was just the appetizer my friends' the sheik grinned, pleased that his guests were enjoying the show. 'No matter how many times I see it, this little diversion never ceases to move me. Some guests are quite overcome by it.' He said slyly, ignoring the rather flustered disposition of his guests. Let us give our young lady a minute or two to settle in, and then we can continue with the preparation."

It took several minutes for everyone to collect themselves. The dancing girls were speechless with horror as they watched the bulge that was once their companion make its way down into the snake's gullet. They all knew that many of them would meet the same fate, and they sobbed with hopeless self-pity. The serpent seemed quite spent too, and it drooped its head onto the floor, preparing for a nice long digestive nap.

With a small sigh the sheik rose from his pillow and walked over to the drowsy snake. " I hate to waste these babies' he mourned,' you won't believe what trouble it is raising them to they get this big. The food bills are pure murder. Sadly, extraordinary cuisine demands sacrifice." With a sad shrug he drew a pistol from under his robes and pressed it against the braincase of the sleeping reptile. There was a loud report and the snake's soul joined the eaten girl's on its journey to the here after.

The sheik looked towards his servants and bellowed "Summon the chefs!"

The next few hours were extremely pleasant as the trio of gastromes lounged about waiting for the evening meal. After today's example, the girls were incredibly anxious to serve since they all knew that the more they pleased, the longer they stayed out of the stewpot. Both Roti and Ffilet found them to be extremely limber and quite imaginative.

"I do believe I've worked up quite an appetite' Ffilet sighed as he lay back into the bosom of one particularly well-endowed harem girl.

"Quiet so mon ami' Roti agreed as he poked a young lady in the derriere in a most ungentlemanly fashion. "Isa feel a fine asa god in Paris' he laughed as he took a second to tweak some passing nipples.

Their frolics were ended by the arrival of a gaggle of obsequious chefs bearing a huge lidded metal platter. They set it before the jovial trio and lifted the lid with obvious pride. Coiled inside atop a bed of rice and vegetables lay the snake, wreathed in wisps of steam. The mouth was propped open with several cassava melons. Lines of baby cherries and olives were pinned to it's flanks.

"Mon Dieu, but that is quite a delectable dish!' Roti exclaimed as he reached for a fork.

"Shall be dig in? Ffilet said as a girl wrapped a napkin around his neck. He eyed the large bulge in the middle of the steak. Shall we start with reptile or mammal?"

"Why reptile first,' Sheik Akmed exclaimed, 'girl-flavored snake is quite delicious. Besides, you must save the best for last"

The gourmets watched as a nameless toady slit open the serpent's belly. The flesh under the dark gold coat was bright white, like fish, and slightly flaky.

"Tastes like chicken' Roti joked as he speared a morsel and slipped a piece into his mouth. 'He chewed, spreading the flavor across his mouth. 'Actually, it is quite good. I detect a slightly musky aftertaste. Must be something he ate.' "By Jove, this is the best snake I've ever had' Ffilet agreed, filling a plate with meat, then sprinkling on a light coating of lemon. "My compliments to the chef, and, of course, to the young lady who worked so hard to give it that extra spice."

The trio took their fill of reptile, making casual small talk as they ate. After the first serving, Roti again eyed the pleasant bulge in the serpent's middle. 'Snake is good, but femme isa even better?' he inquired lightly.

"Ah ever the impatient Frenchman!" the sheik laughed, "as in love, one must take his time. Nevertheless, the prophet commands us to be gracious to our guests, so let us release our captive angel"

Taking a knife, he slit down the long belly, the sides opening like a flower. Low gasps sounded as the hidden prize was once more exposed to the light.

She lay on her side, an angel asleep in her womb. The look of her face was one of utter peace, as if she had welcomed her soul's release. Her body was completely intact, though oddly pinched where the great coils and powerful stomach had squeezed her flesh to putty. The crushing she had received as she died pulped the tough muscle fibers and tendons allowing her flesh relax as it absorbed the oven's heat. The snakes body had shielded her from the harsh heat of the oven, letting her meat simmer gently into custard softness.

The next hours were culinary bliss as the ravenous epicures reached into the serpent's bowels and released plateful after plateful of poached girl flesh. A cloud of servants hovered nearby to provide an endless variety of sauces and crämes to go with the flesh de' femme. The dear departed dancer would have been proud of how they enjoyed her body. Her breasts were heavenly when bathed in BÇarnaise, her toes a delight when dipped in sour cräme, her rump impossibly delicious with hollandaise and lemon rinds. Her lovely eyes were served on crackers and popped into eager mouths, her arms nibhemorrhage to cracked bone, her exquisite calves sliced paper thin then wrapped and stuffed with liver pate. To put an exclamation point on an already magnificent feast, her curried vagina was served, it's velvety cavity filled with serpents tongue. Sheik Akmed joked that the dish should be called Eve in the Garden of Eden. At last, the latter-day Eve lay as a naked skeleton in her serpentine womb, her moments of culinary glory past.

"A delightful feast if I may say so,' Ffilet commented as he nipped at a fragment of broken rib, shreds of juicy meat still clinging to the fractured surface.' I never thought snakes could be such excellent meat tenderizers. I wonder if we could import a few to help out in the restaurants back home. The reaction alone would be delicious. It would be the perfect cure for snotty waitresses."

'How true', Roti agreed around a mouthful of tart raspberry sauce and velvety thigh. "It would'a be a real scream. I can see it now, 'Femme de Serpent'. Sadly, few would be sophisticated enough to appreciate it. The common restaurant rabble would rather nibble on some boring soufflÇ with organic vegetables than enjoy the fruit of woman. I fear that the world is not yet ready for sophisticates such as we, eh mon ami? "

It was with heavy hearts and heavier stomachs that they bid farewell to their host. They promised to return soon, and bring along a few Parisian Mademoiselles to add to the menu. Then, with a few farewell burps, they were driven away into the silent desert night.

"Where to my fine Roti?" Ffilet inquired as he let out another notch in his belt. Senora in Spain? Sunny blonde in California? Perhaps a bit of dark meat under a tropical moon?"

'To wherever fortune takes us' Roti sighed. 'We are young again and the world is filled with an everlasting supply of interesting Mademoiselles! ' He raised his glass of wine a toasted "To the femmes of the world, Lord Ffilet and Roti De Femme are coming for you!!"

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