Everything’s For Sale

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by Cann_S

Bangkok, Thailand; exotic metropolis and gateway to the Orient. Michael had arrived in the city two months ago from Pennsylvania eager to indulge in the philanthropic vigour of youth. Michael had volunteered to join a group of voluntary workers after watching a report on CNN about the illegal trade of women and children into slavery and the sex trade. He was disgusted by the treatment and lack of help the victims were receiving and felt that he had to apply … to do his bit to help. The group was stationed inside a dishevelled apartment block within the safe tourist district of the city. Eight other volunteers shared the unkempt apartment block with him, three women and five men. It was dark and succumbing to damp but provided sufficient habitation to allow the group to help the homeless and abused children of the city.

They were a friendly group and had welcomed Michael graciously when he arrived in the city two months earlier. It was his first time in another country and at the innocent age of only 18, he was grateful for the friendly assistance.

Each member of the group had their own room within the apartment block, sharing a common bathroom, kitchen and common room. A cheerful tap rattled on Michael’s door. “What’s up Mikey?”

It was Maria, a blonde, 22 year old volunteer from Florida who shared the room next door. “Hey” said Michael twisting around his neck to the door.

He liked Maria, she had been the most helpful since he arrived in Bangkok as a tentative and confused ‘tourist’. She had been in Thailand since the Tsunami and had decided to stay after falling in love with the country. Michael was beginning to fall in love with her.

“Are you up for a few drinks tonight?” said Maria as she entered the room, “A few of us are going out to go to a bar downtown.”

“Downtown?” asked Michael, Maria had warned him when he first arrived about wandering around the inner-city alone after dark.

“Yeah. Me, you, Charlie, Amy and Shaniqua. What do you say?”

“What about the others?”

“I asked them but they have to work at the shelter tonight.”

“Ok, but … downtown?” said Michael, he hadn’t been into the city on a night before, preferring to stay in the tourist district.
“Sure,” said Maria with a sly grin, “It’s about time you saw the real part of the city.”


A short taxi ride from the tourist district later, from what Michael thought looked like a trustable driver, and the group arrived downtown. The streets were visibly more rundown, the smell uncomfortably more rancid and the people distinctly more seedy. Michael had been downtown during the day before but it was noticeably less welcoming under the gleam of a hundred neon lights. He kept a firm grasp on his wallet.

Maria, who had been in Bangkok for the longest, led the group into a loud bar down one of the many winding streets. Loud techno music blared from the huge speakers as the group attempted to order their drinks. “Don’t ever let your drink out of your sight.” Maria strained to shout above the boom of the speakers.

Michael understood fully, there had been a spate of date rapes and kidnappings of the local people recently … just another problem for the voluntary group to overcome. They left the bar and found a quiet table in the corner of the club.

“What do you think of your first night out downtown then Michael?” asked Shaniqua leaning across the table.

She was a black, 21 year old girl from Texas taking a year out from university. Her parents had encouraged her to see the world before entering the gruelling world of work and the free accommodation offered by the voluntary group offered the perfect opportunity.

“Loud!” Michael shouted back.

“You’ll get used to it before too long” Amy shouted into his ear.

Amy was a fair-skinned, 19 year old Irish girl with golden-brown hair. She had arrived in Thailand over a year ago to escape the shackles of her traditional Catholic upbringing. The triple vodka in her glass suggested that she had broken free of her shackles a long time ago.

The last member of the group was Charlie, who seemed distant to the conversation. He appeared to be more interested in the masses of short-skirted Thai women dancing around the club. Charlie was the most mature of the group at 28, and had been a regular voluntary worker for the last ten years. He told the group that his last posting had been in Malaysia, only arriving in Thailand shortly before Michael had arrived.

“Charlie!” shouted Maria, trying to grasp his attention, “…Charlie!”

“Huh?” Charlie finally reacted.

“Are you with us?” asked Maria.

“With you what?”

“We are going for a dance” added Amy, “You coming?”

“Huh? Oh no, no” Charlie brought his attention back the table, “I’m good here for now.”

“Ok,” said Maria taking Michael by the hand and pulling him up, “You can watch our drinks then.”

The group left Charlie and wandered onto the dance floor.


The music was even louder in the heart of the dance floor, the flashing lights were twice as bright. The alcohol was already causing the inexperienced Michael to lose his sensibilities and equilibrium. Dancing in a boisterous nightclub with three beautiful, young women ... the gamble of coming to Thailand was certainly paying off. Although Shaniqua and Amy seemed keen to show off their qualities to Michael he only had eyes for the dancing Maria. She was wearing a tight red dress, the curves on her body appeared deliciously tempting to Michael. He imagined her freshly shaved legs wrapped around his, he longed to hold the breasts that were bouncing so irresistibly as she danced. He knew it, he was in love.

“I need to sit down” Maria leaned over to Michael and spoke into his ear.

The soft sensation of her breath on his ear made Michael feel weak at the knees. “Ok, I’ll come with you” he said as he began to lead Maria away.

“…And where do you think you are going?” came the mischievous reply of Amy and Shaniqua as they grabbed him by the arm and pulled him back.

Maria smiled, “It’s ok. Charlie can keep me company.”

Michael turned back to the dance floor and contented himself with the sight of the two women seducing him.


“Hey you! Wake up!”

Groggily Michael opened his eyes. His head was spinning, the blurred figure of a man gradually began to appear in his eyes.
“You, White American Boy, wake up!” ordered the voice again, this time accompanied by a kick. Michael could make out an Asian accent.

“I mean now White American Boy”

Michael shakily rose to his feet without thinking.

“Sooo, White American Boy, You are awake” Michael could make out a short, stocky figure of a man, “About time you are awake.”

“Where am I?” Michael finally managed, realising he was not where he should be. He couldn’t remember where he should be.

Michael looked down at himself, he was still wearing the same clothes that he had worn in the club. His sight finally coming back, he made out a dark, dirty room. The windows were blocked out but some sunlight managed to penetrate the room. It must be morning. “Where am I?” he muttered again.

“Quiet!” said the man sharply, “I tell you everything you need to know when I say so.”

Michael could make out the face of the man now. He appeared to be a local Thai man but not from the streets. He was clean shaven and wore an expensive looking suit. Michael relaxed as he realised that he must have fallen asleep in the club. The manager must be angry with him.

“Look, I’m sorry” he said apologetically, “I must have had too much to drink last night. If I caused any damage I’ll pay for it. I just want to get home right now.”

The man looked at Michael and grinned.

“Bring him with me.”

Two burly Thai men appeared from the shadows and took one of Michael’s arms each. They carried him from the blacked-out room into another, equally darkened room. It looked empty, except … Michael heard a faint whimpering emanating from the darkness. The Thai manager entered the room and pulled a string by the doorway. Instantly, beneath the glare of a flickering fluorescent light appeared the tied and gagged image of Maria. Michael struggled against the hold of the two brawny men holding him. It was futile.

Maria was tied naked sitting on the floor. Her tied arms were resting over her bent knees tied at the feet. Her wide eyes looked up at Michael in desperate despair. “What have you done to her!?” screamed Michael, still struggling to get free.
The manager slapped Michael across the face, he gave up his struggle. “Nothing yet White American Boy” said the Thai manager, readjusting his cufflinks, “But we will if you do not do exactly as we say.”

“Anything! Just don’t hurt her!”


The sweat poured down Michael’s face. He had run from the club as quickly as he could physically move. Charging down the mud-soaked street he aimed straight for the first phone he could find. He reached into his pocket, his wallet was still there, untouched. The fingers of his hand could barely hold the receiver. Michael dialled the first number he could think of without thinking.


“Charlie!” screamed Michael.

“Yeah?” Charlie said inquisitively, “Listen where did you go last night? Where are you?”

“I’m still at the club I think!” Michael looked around, where was he?

Trying to coordinate himself frantically, he recognised the front entrance of the club, now a distant image down the street from which he fled. “I’m at the club. Listen. I need help! They’ve got Maria!”

“They’ve got Maria?” said Charlie perplexed, “Who have?”

“I don’t know. The club owner I think. That’s not important, they’ve got Maria and they are threatening to kill her!!”

“Whoa there!” Charlie reacted, “Slow down. What are you talking about?”

Michael took a deep breath and collected his thoughts. Maria’s safety was at stake. He explained how he had woken up still inside the club and how he had found Maria tied naked on the floor. Charlie suddenly paid great attention to Michael’s frenzied description. “How did you get out?” he asked, trying to keep as calm as possible.

“They let me go” said Michael speeding up again, “They said if I don’t follow there exact instructions they would kill her and if the police arrive at their door they would kill her instantly!”

“Shit!” Charlie exclaimed.

“What?” asked Michael sensing Charlie knew something he didn’t.

“It sounds like a rape gang have taken her.”

“A rape gang!?”

Charlie collected his breath, “There have been reports that they have been growing again. What exactly did they say for you to do?”

Michael reached into his shirt pocket and took out a small scrap of paper. “They…They said that if I want Maria to live I can exchange her for the two girls who were with me last night and that I had to deliver them to this address. He means Amy and Shaniqua! Can you believe that!? He’s crazy!”

Charlie took his time again, speaking slowly, “Look, I’m glad you phoned me first. Whatever you do, don’t phone the police. If they see you on the phone, they’ll kill her and run.”

Charlie told Michael to get a taxi home to discuss it further with him and not to mention anything to anybody. Michael, still in a state of shock and overcome by adrenalin, followed the instructions.


An agonising taxi ride later, Michael arrived back at the apartment. Charlie was the only one awake, Shanqua and Amy were still in bed sleeping off the excesses of the previous night and the other three housemates were in bed sleeping off their heavy shift. “Charlie!” shouted Michael as he burst into the common room.

“Shhh!” said Charlie harshly as he rose from his chair, “Quiet! You don’t want to wake the others up.”

“Why not!? We need to help Maria right now!”

“I know that. Listen, we need to take this carefully. I’ve been around these parts for a long time. The fewer people know about this, the more chance we have of bringing Maria back alive.”

“Ok,” said Michael, still high on adrenalin, “But what can we do?”

Charlie sat back down, “Did they say when they wanted you to bring Amy and Shaniqua?”

“Yes, they said today, this afternoon … to this address.”

“Good, I want you to do it.” Charlie said calmly.

“Are you crazy?” said Michael astonished, “You actually want me to exchange them for her!?”

“Of course not!” replied Charlie angrily, “You take the girls to make sure that Maria is at the exchange location. And then when they are all together, that’s when the police burst through the door. Trust me, Michael, this is the only way to guarantee Maria’s safety.”

“Ok, Ok” said Michael, resigned to the plan, “But how do we get Shaniqua and Amy to agree to this?”

“We don’t.”

“What?!” Michael cried, “We can’t put them at risk without them knowing!”

“Keep your voice down!” said Charlie firmly, taking a firm grip of Michael’s arm, “I know it’s underhand but we can’t risk them blowing the cover. If all goes to plan they won’t be in any danger at all.”

“But they will never forgive us.” said Michael.

Charlie said that he would take all of the blame for the plan. He reassured Michael that this really was the only way to save Maria. At that point, Shaniqua entered the common room uneasily with the help of Adam, one of their fellow housemates.

“You must have had a wild night last night judging by the state of Shaniqua” Adam said laughing.

“Not as bad as Maria and Michael here” said Charlie looking over at Michael sternly, “Guess who fell asleep in the club together.”

Shaniqua regained some consciousness, “No way! You did!? Hell, I don’t even remember how I got home.”

Adam laughed again, “You can thank Charlie for that. He came in last night with you and Amy under an arm each. You two were both out of it.”

“I was?” said Shaniqua wearily.

“Hey,” said Adam, realising somebody was missing, “Where IS Maria?”

Michael looked to Charlie for a response. “Still at the club.” Charlie quickly stepped in, “Isn’t that right Mike?”

“Err, yeah…” he replied.

“Mike said that they caused so much damage that one of them had to remain behind to guarantee the bill will be paid.”

“And you left HER behind? That was gallant Mike” said Adam accusingly.

“Well, err…” said Michael searching for an answer.

“Well…”, said Charlie taking over, “You said she was in no fit state to travel anywhere didn’t you Mike. Said she was enjoying some nice coffee to wake her up.

“Right” said Michael, still unsure, “I have to go and pick her up later on this afternoon.

“Hey, Shaniqua. You and Amy should go with him, it might help clear your head up a bit” suggested Charlie, looking back at Michael.

“Yeah, yeah, maybe we should. I feel terrible in here right now. I think I hear Amy getting up now too. Just let me get my head straight first Mikey. OK?”

“Sure” he replied guiltily.


The taxi pulled up beside the address given on the scrap of paper Michael had been given by the Thai manager. The address was a shabby, run-down apartment block deep in the heart of the city, quite a contrast from the relatively trendy apartment that Michael lived in. The door was drab and featureless, only a rectangular viewing box showed any kind of detail.

“Err… Mikey?” said Amy, “I know I was out of it last night but this doesn’t look much like the club we went into.”

“Err..” said Michael struggling to think of an adequate answer, “Well, they, err… they wanted to clean the club and we couldn’t stay there. This is the owner’s apartment. This is where I left Maria”

He desperately wanted to tell the girls the truth; they would surely never forgive him for putting them in so much danger. He fought his emotions and remembered that if he told them, Charlie said that Maria would be in more danger. He couldn’t let that happen. He would have to live with the consequences.

They left the taxi and Michael paid the driver through the front window. “Thank you” he said.

“Thank you.” said the driver as he pulled away from the door and drove away down the pot-holed street.

“Hey!” shouted Shaniqua, “Where’s he going? How long does he expect to be here? We’ll have to find a new cab now, damn it!”

“We might as well go inside now.” said Amy, Michael’s heart started pounding.

He knocked on the door tentatively. No reply. He knocked again a little louder. Still no reply. “Hellooo!” shouted Shaniqua, knocking loudly on the door, “Anybody there!?”

The door opened slowly, one of the burly men who had held Michael earlier in the morning appeared. Michael’s heart skipped a beat. “This way” said the man sharply as he opened the door and beckoned them inside.

“Friendly bunch.” said Shaniqua under her breath.

The doorman grunted and shut the door firmly behind them. “I hope Charlie knows what he is doing.” thought Michael grimly as he followed the doorman down a dark corridor.


“Charlie!” said Shaniqua, Amy and Michael in unison as they walked into a large bare-faced room at the end of the corridor.

“Ladies. Michael. Nice to see you here.” said Charlie with a beaming smile.

“What are you doing here!?” asked Michael in a mixture of amazement and anger.

“Why, the same as you. I’ve come to rescue the blushing bride.”

“But you were supposed to bring the police!” said Michael despairingly.

“The police!?” said Amy and Shaniqua, turning to face Michael.

“I think some explaining needs to be done,” Charlie said moving into the centre of the room, “Don’t you Michael?”

“I’d love to have some explanation here.” he replied, still unsure whether he should be confused or angry.

“Mr. Somsong Sir! Would you provide some insight here” Charlie shouted out through a door on the opposite side of the room from which the doorman had led the confused trio.

A series of short footsteps echoed through the open doorway until through the door entered Mr. Somsong. Michael recognised him immediately. It was the same, short and stocky Thai manager who had kidnapped Maria.

“You!” Michael exclaimed, “Where is Maria!?”

“Quiet!” shouted Mr. Somsong, “Shut him up!”

The doorman took hold of Michael and covered his mouth.

“Hey!” shouted Shaniqua, “Let him go!”

Mr. Somsong clicked his fingers and two further burly doormen entered the room. The quickly took hold of Amy and Shaniqua silencing them.

“You White American Boy stay quiet!” said the now familiar tone of Mr. Somsong’s shrill voice, “What have we got here? Black American girl. Hmm, good, good.”

Mr. Somsong took a hold of Shaniqua’s left breast and squeezed. He nodded his head approvingly. Amy strained her eyes across the room, she knew she was next as the short Thai man moved across the room. He squeezed her left breast. “Hmm, good. Not as big as Black American girl but good. Where she from?”

“Ireland.” Answered Charlie assuredly.

“Redhead Irish girl eh? Good, Good.”

Mr. Somsong walked back to the dark doorway from which he first appeared. “Good Mr. Charles .. prepare them. Need ready soon, running out of stock.”

“Yes Mr Somsong Sir” said Charlie standing to attention, “Right away.”


The two burly doormen had carried the struggling Amy and Shaniqua down the corridor after Mr. Somsong, leaving Michael still being held with Charles in the drab room. “Sorry about the deception pal but I have to cover my tracks” said Charlie as he leaned back against the wall.

He nodded to the doorman who subsequently removed his hand from Michael’s mouth. “What deception? Where’s Maria? What’s going on!?” shouted Michael.

“I guess I have some explaining to do huh? That’s what the bad guy’s do at this point right” he said with a grin.

Charlie slid down the wall resting on the floor. “As far as anyone is concerned I am happily watching TV at the apartment right now. I left home just after the others had returned to work, let’s say I told the taxi driver to take you on the LONG route here.”

“The taxi driver was in on this too.”

“Shh, please, let me finish. Of course he was. I had to arrange some way of getting the girls here without any trace leading to me. I happily return home before Adam, Dan and Jeff return from work and say that you lot still haven’t returned home.”

Charlie smiled at the deviousness of his plot, “What has happened to you all? Kidnapped on your way home? Murdered? Either way I have a rock solid alibi. Each time any of you disappeared I was at home at the apartment.

Michael began to get an uneasy feeling, “What do you want from them?”

“Don’t worry,” said Charlie, clearly enjoying prolonging the torture, “They aren’t going to be sold to the sex trade. There really is no money to be made in that. I think the easiest way is if I just show you.”


The doorman had tied, gagged and hooded Michael. He felt himself being carried into what must have been a van and driven away from the shabby apartment in which he had unwittingly led the girls into a trap. The hood was quickly pulled from his head. The light of the new location briefly burned his eyes.

“Welcome to the real world Mikey” said Charlie gleefully.

Michael took a second to process the sights in front of his eyes. He was stood in the middle of what appeared to be a small processing plant. There were about seven or eight Thai locals dressed in bloodied white aprons spread about the cramped shop floor. It appeared as if they were working with what Michael assumed must be pork. But something didn’t look quite right.

“Have you worked it out yet Mikey?” said Charlie cunningly.

Michael couldn’t talk; the gag was still firmly covering his mouth. “Let me give you a clue” said Charlie coldly.

He quickly pulled the severed head of a young Thai woman from behind his back and showed it to Michael’s face. The full horror of the image in front of him briefly passed by Michael as he automatically studied the face and features of the attractive young woman; the smooth soft skin of youth, the dark enchanting eyes, the full pouting lips. But the eyes were lifeless, Michael suddenly snapped back and realised the sadistic view in front of him. He saw the red flesh at the base of her neck, the head swinging as Charlie held it’s long black hair, the chilling stare of the eyes, the coldness of the head cooling the air around it.

“Pretty attractive isn’t she?” said Charlie without any of the emotion Michael was feeling.

Michael attempted to back away but the doorman still had a firm grip. He pulled his head away, back as far as he could.

“You don’t think so?” said Charlie as he took hold of the base of the girl’s skull.

He pointed the face of the girl towards himself, “Little Old Mikey doesn’t think you are attractive.” He said to the head in a babying voice, “What do you think of that?”

“Just for that I won’t kiss him,” Charlie answered himself back in a high pitched voice, “Oh, well … maybe just one…”

Charlie raised the head with his right arm and squeezed the lips on the girl’s face together. He pushed the head into Michael’s cheek “Mmmwah!”

Michael instantly felt the chill of the cold skin and pulled away in revulsion. How did he ever get himself in this position? The big, burly doorman grunted at Charlie. “Ok, ok ... I was just having a little fun with him.” Charlie said disappointingly.
He took hold of the head again by the hair and held it by his side. “Come on, let me give you the tour.”

As he walked along he began to casually swing the head around by the hair. Michael convinced himself that he must be having some terrible nightmare. He put his face to the floor, whatever else was in here he didn’t want to see it. Charlie continued, “What do you think Mikey? What’s a good name for this place? I’ve always personally liked Charlie and the Girl Meat Factory.”

He looked to Michael apparently expecting a chuckle. “What do you think? Don’t you think Mr Somsong looks like an Oompa Loompa?”

The monosyllabic doorman grunted again. “Problem is the Oompa Loompas around here are 7 feet tall,” said Charlie looking up at the doorman, “and Mr Somsong is the Wonka around here. I’m just a middle man, but I get all the pleasures I want from it.”

Charlie reached a shelf on the far wall of the shop floor, “Number 23 there you go” he said as he placed the severed head at the position marked 23. There were three rows of shelving with spaced numbering up to thirty; each number had a separate head of a young Thai woman sat in a bowl of ice. Michael fixed his gaze firmly at the floor. Charlie pulled Michael’s head up by the chin, “This is just a week’s supply” he said forcing Michael to view each head, “We’ll have a whole new batch in this time next week.”

Michael tried to block out the image in front of him but it was impossible. There were three rows of lifeless severed heads from young Thai women. Each head had a unique appearance, a unique personality Michael thought to himself and now they were lifeless, cold … dead.

Charlie sensed that Michael’s will had been broken and that he was ready to be safely ungagged. “Why are you showing me this?” said Michael meekly as Charlie untied his gag.

“No reason particularly except that it keeps the process fresh to me, to introduce it to interested spectators regularly. You would be surprised how mundane a scene like this can become over time” said Charlie grinning.

“I’m not interested,” said Michael angrily, “I’m disgusted. You are one sick bastard. You know that.”

“Thanks” Charlie responded nonchalantly as he moved to the next work station.

Laid out on a large ice covered metallic table were various body parts of what appeared to Michael to be the same girl … or what used to be a girl. He noticed a thigh, a forearm and a foot before turning away in revulsion. “What’s the matter Mikey boy? Haven’t you ever seen fresh meat before?” said Charlie.

He picked up one of the full thigh cuts from the bed of ice and held it to Michael’s face, “Look, Mikey, it’s just meat like any other.”

Michael looked at the clean cut at the end of the thigh that was once attached to a girl’s hip. The slice was clean, the exposed muscle was shiny a fresh red, up so close to his face it really did look just like meat. “You’re insane”, said Michael, “All of you!”

Charlie chuckled to himself, he obviously enjoyed hearing that. He placed the thigh back down next to the other cuts on the ice cold table. Michael dared to take another look. This time he noticed the full dismembered body of a young woman. He noticed her full ass, it looked like it had been prepared ready for a Sunday roast. Quickly realising that he was staring at the grotesque sight in front of him he turned away. “Don’t worry Mikey boy,” said Charlie, “It’s just meat like any other, you’ll realise that soon enough.”

Michael looked up about the slaughterhouse in which he unhappily found himself. There were still six workers each at a separate station. Michael wondered if they each had a separate girl to work on. Just how many murder victims was he in here with? It suddenly dawned on Michael. Where were Amy and Shaniqua? Where was Maria!?

“Why did you want me to bring the girls here!?” he screamed, “Where is Maria?”

“Ok, Ok,” said Charlie calmly, “I guess it’s time to show you. We have a special room for them.”


Charlie led Michael out from the bloody shop floor to a discrete corridor towards the back of the shop floor. Michael had no choice but to follow, he was still being carried by the doorman. “You see,” said Charlie walking on ahead down the corridor, “Thai girls are ten a penny around here. It’s easier to buy fresh Thai meat around here than it is to get a Big Mac. And they sure do taste a lot better than that!”

He reached a door at the end of the corridor, “What our customers really want is the really rare and exotic meat.”

Charlie opened the door revealing what appeared to Michael to look just like the shop floor he had just left. “What do you think is the hardest meat in the world to get your hands on Mikey Boy?” Charlie continued as he beckoned the doorman to carry Michael into the room.

“No!” said Michael as he looked to the back of the room.

“That’s right White American Boy.” came the familiarly shrill, and now terrifying, voice of Mr Somsong, “Western meat.”

Michael could see a line of steel cages at the back of the new shop floor, two rows one on top of the other. He could see that some of the cages were occupied by what appeared at this distance to be naked women. The rest of the equipment and tables of the shop floor were suspiciously clean and empty. “Western meat!?” cried Michael, “Where’s Maria? And Shaniqua? And Amy!?”

“Quiet White American Boy!” shouted Mr Somsong, “Mr Charles, keep him out the way!”

“Yes, Mr Somsong Sir” Charlie replied swiftly then nodded to the doorman.

Charlie walked towards the cages at the back of the floor and was followed by the doorman who pushed Michael along. Michael looked at the shiny equipment as he was shoved to the back of the room. A large table covered with fresh ice, a large collection of brilliantly shiny knives were hung on one wall. He started to feel uneasy. While his stomach was dropping at the sight of such ominous utensils Charlie had stopped at the far end of the cages. Michael was shocked to see a young girl of what must have only been 18 sitting naked in the cage. Her legs and arms were tied and she had been gagged as Michael had seen Maria earlier that same day. It seemed a lifetime ago now. Michael attempted to cry out but the doorman instantly covered his mouth.

“Ah, Ah, Mikey” said Charlie, “You heard Mr Somsong, no more talking for you.”

The cage was no more than 5 feet in height and width. The door was bolted shut. He strained his eyes upward and could see another girl tied in the same manner in the cage above. A white piece of cardboard had been placed between the cages, Michael strained to read the card. “White German girl” said Charlie following Michael’s gaze, “That’s what it says.”

“Two hitchhikers,” he continued, “Quite a lucky find really. We’ve been waiting on some nice German girls for a while now.”
The two girls stared at Michael despairingly. He moved his eyes down their bodies and thought of the dismembered girl he had seen in the last room. Their thighs would look no different laid out on that bed of ice he thought. Quickly regaining his thoughts he closed his eyes to stop the painful images before him.

Charlie took out a notebook from his back pocket. He flipped through the pages, eventually reaching his desired page. “Yeah,” he said running his finger down the page, “We got an order for a blonde German girl six months ago from a group of Russian oil barons. They wanted to enjoy a feast on their favourite type of meat. The Russians love nothing more than feasting on a German girl. Chance to indulge in meat from their old enemy. They were ecstatic when we told them we had found two for them. “

He looked again at the notebook, “Due to call in next week to claim their purchase.”

The two girls whimpered through their gags. Michael opened his eyes again and met the girls’ terrified glare. The painful stare from the girls forced him to turn away in pity, he knew he was powerless to help them. Charlie walked to the far end of the cages, the doorman pushed Michael along. He walked passed five double cages, some of which were occupied. He decided not to look inside to spare his sanity; only looking at the ominous white cards signalling the occupied cages. Spanish Brunette Girl, Australian Blonde Girl, Norwegian Blonde Girl read some of the handwritten notes. Charlie had stopped beside the final cage in the row. The bottom cage had a handwritten note placed by it … Redhead Irish girl.

Michael did not dare to look inside the cage. “Go ahead.” Charlie enticed him.

Michael gulped and turned his head. There was Amy tied in the same manner; naked, gagged and sat on the floor. Her eyes became wide at the sight of Michael, who instantly tried to break free from his burly captor but was soon subdued by a tight grip of the arm. Michael thoughts unwillingly went back to the pieces of Thai girl butchered on the table. He looked to Amy’s exposed thigh and tears burst from his eyes. Charlie grinned, this was the reaction he had been expecting and waiting for. Charlie looked back to his notepad and flipped the pages, eager to prolong the punishment. “Let’s see here,” he said thumbing the page, “Irish Redhead. Hmm, here we are. We’ve had a 13 month wait for this one. She’s a rare one to catch. Very expensive.”

Michael and Amy continued to stare into each other’s eyes. “A wealthy New York City banker,” Charlie continued, “No date set yet but I expect he will fly out here as soon as possible when we inform him … within a week or so. He wants you to himself … we’re talking big money here. You should be proud of yourself Amy.”

Charlie gave his sadistic grin to Amy through the cage, who now had tears pouring down her face and over her gag. Michael could not look at Amy anymore; he stared at the floor resigned to his helplessness.


A loud slam across the shop floor interrupted Charlie before he could continue his torment. His and Michael’s gaze moved across to the source of the sound. It was Mr Somsong, he had opened a large doorway on the far side of the shop floor. As he walked through the door a smartly dressed man followed him in. He was a white, smartly dressed and smartly presented gentleman. “Ah,” said Charlie knowingly, “Mr Johnston has arrived. You’ll want to see this Mikey boy. Let’s move a little closer.”

They moved over towards Mr Somsong and Mr Johnston but stayed out of their direct perception. Michael noticed that the two men were stood next to a steel table with straps attached. Beneath the table were steel gratings. He got a bad feeling at the pit of his stomach. Leaning over and whispering into his ear, Charlie quietly said “Mr Johnston. An oil trader from Houston. We tipped him off that we would be getting a new delivery this week to match his vacation in Bangkok. He must have rushed straight over. Five months he’s been waiting on a standing order. Guess what he ordered Mikey boy?”

Charlie wasn’t expecting an answer; the doorman still had his hand smothering Michael’s mouth. Another gruff doorman appeared through the open doorway. Michael knew instantly what the man had ordered.

“That’s right Mikey boy, “ said Charlie, “Black American girl.”

The new doorman held the naked Shaniqua in his arms. She was kicking and struggling against his grip. Her legs flayed and her hands tried to scratch but it was fruitless, the doorman was far too powerful. He dropped Shaniqua onto the table. Mr Somsong took hold of her arms as the doorman secured her feet and waist to the table. Before long, Shaniqua had been subdued and was helpless on the table. Her legs tied straight with her arms tied down next to her hips. Michael feared the worst, he tried one final attempt to escape. Quickly kicking the doorman in the shin he managed to escape his grasp. The shackles on his feet instantly caused him to fall to the ground.

Picking Michael up by the head, the doorman hit him hard in the stomach. Michael collapsed to the ground in agony. His short, misjudged escape attempt had proved futile. He feared to think what the doorman would do to him if he tried it again. Whatever was going to happen to Shaniqua, he would just have to suffer it. She would just have to suffer it. Michael began to cry as he realised how useless he was a saviour.

In the meantime, across the room, Shaniqua was now secure on the table. Her body was particularly well built. She had done most of the physical work about the voluntary camp and developed a well toned body from it. Michael stood back up painfully and looked across at her. Her neatly shaved pubic hair was exposed for all to see. He watched as Mr Johnston squeezed one of her large breasts. “Mr Johnston paid extra for this one.” Charlie whispered into Michael’s ear, “You see most of the time we only allow our customers to enjoy the meat. But sometimes we are given an offer so good that we just can’t turn it down. We are talking premium membership if you want to enjoy the slaughter as well as the meat.”

Michael looked over to Shaniqua on the table in shock. They weren’t about to kill her were they? Right here? Right now?

Mr Somsong handed a large gleaming axe to Mr Johnston. Michael could see the whites of Shaniqua’s eyes glare in horror at the sight of it. Mr Somsong pulled her long dark hair back revealing her long smooth neck, he retained a loose grip on her hair. Mr Johnston placed the knife down softly against Shaniqua’s throat. She froze as she saw her face reflected in the large shining blade. Her neck tensed as Mr Johnston raised the axe into the air. One hard fast chop and the axe rushed through Shaniqua’s neck separating her senses from her body. Her body tensed as Mr Somsong pulled away the dripping head. Michael watched in revulsion, he looked into Shaniqua’s eyes as Mr Somsong held up her head. Michael was sure that, for a few agonising seconds, Shaniqua’s eyes moved across the room to meet his. Seconds later the shocked expression of terror fixed on her face.

Mr Somsong handed the dripping head to Mr Johnson who accepted it with a warm and satisfied smile. He kissed Shaniqua on the lips. This made Michael enraged but his spirit had already been broken, he simply watched from afar knowing he could do nothing. He looked back to Shaniqua’s body which was now motionless except for the repetitive spurts of blood spouting from her neck. Her heart must still be beating he thought to himself. The spurts of blood emanating from her neck became weaker with each pulse eventually reaching a slow drip into the gratings below. She was gone.


“Wasn’t that great!” said Charlie excitedly.

Michael turned his head accusingly in rage. Charlie could see the disgust in his eyes. Across the room two more Thai workers had entered the scene, this time dressed in aprons. They began to untie Shaniqua’s limp body from the restraints. One of the workers pulled a large steel pulley which hung down from the roof of the shop floor. A large creak filled the room as a set of large hooks lowered from the ceiling. Each of the workers took a hook each and stabbed it through Shaniqua’s heel. Michael instantly thought of the pain that Shaniqua must have felt, and then realised his morbid folly. The workers then tied a rope around each of Shaniqua’s hands. Pulling the steel pulley again, the Thai workers slowly raised Shaniqua’s carcass from the table. A fresh stream of blood poured from her neck. They pulled her body away from the table in the air and allowed her to drain easily into the gratings below. Michael continued to watch, he could not be shocked anymore. He watched in grim fascination at the barbarity that one human could inflict on another.

Mr Johnson and Mr Somsong re-emerged from the doorway, this time dressed in the same drab white aprons that the workers wore. Michael saw that Mr Johnson had a new knife in his hands, a smaller, sharper knife. “Let’s see how well he handles this.” said Charlie.

Mr Somsong approached Shaniqua’s dripping carcass and seemed to demonstrate a gutting procedure to Mr Johnson. He rubbed his finger down the sweaty skin of her belly and appeared to signal a pulling procedure. At this point, Michael almost felt eager to see what brutality they were capable of next.

Mr Johnson took the knife and softly, tentatively pressed it into Shaniqua’s skin above her crotch. The skin gave way easily, the red flesh was in stark contrast to her dark skin. Gaining confidence, Mr Johnston pulled the knife quicker down her belly. He sliced open her skin up to her breastbone and pulled the two flaps of skin aside. Turning to Mr Somsong for assistance, he then reached inside Shaniqua’s body and cut away at her windpipe. He did the same at the point her intestines met her anus. One of the workers placed a large container by his feet, Mr Johnston then reached inside of Shaniqua and pulled away her internal organs. Michael could not believe how easily they slid from her open cavity. A few simple cuts later to complete the operation and Shaniqua’s complete internal tract sat in the container; a tangled mess. “Are you seeing meat yet Mikey boy?” asked Charlie into Michael’s ear. Michael ignored him.

One of the workers carried away the container while the other pulled Shaniqua’s carcass further away from the table to drain out fully. Mr Somsong left through the doors with Mr Johnston who had a beaming smile on his face.

Michael was an emotional wreck. The events of the past few hours had overwhelmed him. It was only a few hours ago that he was chatting happily with Shaniqua and now she hung across from him; an empty carcass. “Time to move on Mikey boy” said Charlie.

The doorman lifted Michael onto his feet and pushed him towards the door Mr Somsong and Johnston had left through. “What else could there be?” Michael thought to himself, thinking that nothing could be as horrific as the last few minutes.


The new passageway was cleaner than the bloodied corridors Michael had walked through previously. The floor was tiled and the walls were clean. “Finally,” Michael thought, “This torture might be over.”

There was a strange aroma floating down the corridor. It was still faint but Michael thought that it resembled pork ... only … different. He began to hear a low murmur of activity. Voices. They became louder as Michael was forced down the corridor by the overbearing doorman. Charlie stopped at the end of the corridor outside a set of double doors. The murmur of voices had now become a rabble. “Mmm mmm!” said Charlie looking through the doors windows, “Come here Michael, take a look.”

Michael had no choice, he was pushed to the window by the doorman.

There was a large party of what appeared to be Arab dignitaries or Ambassadors. Michael couldn’t tell, they were wearing traditional dress and were gathered around a large table. The crowd horded around the table obfuscating his view. “Some of the elite of Arab aristocracy are in there Mikey boy.” said Charlie as he wiped away the mist that had covered the glass by his face, “It’s a special meal today.”

He looked over to Michael and smiled, “Whole roast blonde American girl.”

Michael’s face filled with dread. He clambered to see through the throng of guests. “No … it can’t be” he thought.
One of the Arab dignitaries pulled out of the crowd, he held a plate in his hand with a steaming, inch thick steak resting upon it. As he pulled away, Michael could just make out a gap through to the table. He saw what appeared to be the top of a knee. It was golden-brown and had steam curling around it.

More of the diners began to move away, each with a fresh piece of pink steaming meat on their plate. Michael could make out a full leg now, there was no doubt, it was a roasted woman. But who? Please not Maria, he thought to the pit of his soul. Another diner moved away. Michael could see the exposed ass of the roast. Three carrots had been stuffed into her ass, her shaved cunt was pink and moist. Steam rose from her vagina. Michael was aghast at the sight. He was ashamed, he actually found the sight appealing. How could he? He was no better than the murderers in this place.

Yet more guests moved away to indulge in the flavour of the flesh. The full lower of the roast had been exposed. The legs were crossed above the girl’s(?), the roast’s(?) body. Michael didn’t know what to think anymore. There were visible stitch marks along the length of her belly where the stuffing must have been placed. Her nipples looked a dark brown, her breasts looked wet, almost dripping with fat seepage. The last of the guests began to move away. Charlie would finally see who the roast was; he already feared the worst. As the last guests moved away the scorched face of Maria finally appeared before Michael. Her once beautiful features now looked disfigured and seared. But there was still an underlying beauty to her face even beneath the charred skin covering her Michael thought. He looked at the expression on her face, it appeared to be pained. Surely they didn’t cook her alive!?

Michael tore his eyes away from Maria’s molested body and turned to Charlie. “Beautiful isn’t she?” said Charlie sensing Michael’s emotions.

Charlie nodded to the doorman who promptly removed his hand from Michael’s mouth.

“Just tell me she didn’t die in pain Charlie.” Michael said strongly.

“Well,” pondered Charlie, “She didn’t die in pain … but … well … she may have had some level of discomfort before she passed out in the oven.”

He winked at Michael. Michael’s fight had left him, he had failed. He had come here to rescue Maria and now she was dead, as well as Shaniqua, and who knows how long Amy has left. He sank to the floor with his head in his hands and wept.

Charlie pushed through the double doors and entered the gruesome banquet.


He returned five minutes later with a plate in his hand. Michael couldn’t see what was on the plate from his seated position; he really didn’t want to. Charlie motioned to the doorman as he walked by him back up the corridor. The doorman picked the lifeless Michael up off the floor and carried him back to the shop floor where Shaniqua’s carcass was still draining above the steel gratings. Charlie had already entered the room and was sat outside the cage holding Amy. The doorman dropped Michael down by the adjacent cage. Michael couldn’t bear to look Amy in the eyes now, he crawled out of view from her.

Charlie was sat cross-legged looking straight in at Amy’s shivering naked body. The cool air of the slaughterhouse had caused her body to become goose pimpled all over. He had a thick piece of meat on his plate. The meat was a pristine pink with juices seeping out onto the plate. Amy stared back, she had no idea what, and who, he was eating. Charlie smiled almost caringly towards Amy, “You don’t know it but you are going to make someone very happy, very soon.”

He looked at Amy’s thigh as he sliced off the first piece of flesh from the steak. Amy didn’t give any kind of response. There was an uneasy silence as Charlie took another cut from Maria’s cooked flesh.

“Why Charlie?” came the soft voice of Michael as he watched Charlie slice off a chunk of the meat.

Charlie put the fresh piece of Maria’s right thigh into his mouth. “Trust me,” he said as he savoured the taste on his tongue, “If you knew how good she tasted you wouldn’t even be asking.”

He cut off another chunk of the pink muscle and chewed it gleefully. “You were willing to give Maria to that set of …” Michael struggled to say the word, “… Cannibals! And for what? One lousy piece of steak.”

Michael shook his head in shame and embarrassment. He was now talking about Maria as if she was just a piece of meat. Charlie sliced off another piece of meat, he picked it up with his fork. “If you knew how much I would have to pay to buy even this much of a girl like Maria” he said pointing the fork towards Michael.

“How many times have you done this?” Michael asked coldly and accusingly.

A sly grin appeared across Charlie’s face, “Let’s just say Maria is not the first. It’s just a shame that I won’t get to enjoy any of the lovely Amy here or the exotic Shaniqua over there.”

He said pointing his head towards the hanging corpse over the drain, “… But Mr Somsong will only allow me to have a piece of one of the catches I bring in… and who could turn down Maria right?”

Michael shook his head, he now realised that this had been Charlie’s plan all along; from the very first moment he had moved into the apartment with the girls. “And how long do you think you can go on doing this? The police will catch you one day and you’ll be punished like the pig you are!” said Michael regaining some of his strength.

“Unlikely,” said Charlie confidently, “You don’t know how high this goes up. This is the capitalists playground, what fun is there buying cars and mansions when you already own the best there is. The only thing they crave is what they are denied the most. I provide it to them and they reward me.”

Charlie placed the last piece of Maria’s thigh into his mouth, “I’m due to ship out to Kuala Lumpur in a month or two once the heat has died down here. There is a new group of voluntary workers with a spare room in their apartment.”

Charlie gave Michael an evil grin. Michael rose to his feet, he has let Maria and Shaniqua down but he can’t let this continue anymore. “I will stop you!” he said finding new vigour and strength, “What was the point in showing me this anyway. When I leave here I’m going straight to the cops!”

Charlie gave Michael a sinister, evil grin. “Well,” he said, rising to his feet, “Part of my payment is the right to mentally torture one of my captures. It’s a personal thing, but I enjoy it!”

Charlie nodded to the burly doorman who swiftly kicked Michael in the stomach. Michael fell back in pain into the vacant cage beside Amy’s. Charlie quickly slammed the door and bolted it shut. “You see Mikey boy,” he said, taking a biro from his shirt pocket, “It’s not just girl meat that there is a market for … Everything’s for sale here.”

He took the pen and scribbled “White American Boy” on the white piece of card labelling the cage.



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